Inclusion Winnipeg Logo

About Us


To enhance the lives and status of people living with an intellectual disability, support families, and advance their human rights and inclusion in the community.


An inclusive Winnipeg where people with intellectual disabilities and their families are valued equally and able to participate fully in all aspects of society.

Inclusion Winnipeg is a registered charity which, for over 60 years, has been dedicated to making life better for children and adults living with intellectual disabilities. We do this by connecting people, assisting their families to navigate systems and leading the way in advancing their human rights. We promote respect, empowerment and belonging to ensure equality for all.

Serving the City of Winnipeg and the surrounding area, Inclusion Winnipeg is a part of a national federation of over 400 community,10 provincial and three territorial associations together forming Inclusion Canada. Inclusion Canada is a member of Inclusion International an association of over 110 countries. Achieving the vision of inclusive communities is a global movement and we are proud to be part of it.

We continually learn from people with intellectual disabilities whose achievements reflect lives lived to the fullest – from children and youth experiencing success at school, to young adults becoming involved in post-secondary studies and securing real employment for real pay.

The 5 ways we carry out our work:

Family engagement and individual advocacy.

Social justice advocacy at the civic, provincial, and federal levels.

Research on effective public policy and promising developments in the attainment of human rights.

Training and professional development for service providers and community leaders.

Mobilizing community action to protect and advance human rights for all people.

Inclusion Winnipeg serves three primary roles:

To help adults and children living with intellectual disabilities, and their families, navigate areas such as health, education, housing, employment and finance.

To advocate on the behalf of people living with intellectual disabilities, and their families, to influence policy and legislation that affects their lives.

To build capacity across all environments: recreational, educational and employment, recognizing that an inclusive community means a welcoming environment for everyone.

Our Staff

Janet Forbes

Executive Director

Megan Scott

Youth Inclusion Facilitator

Amy Shawcross

Director of Advocacy

Aron Jenkins

Project Manager CASE

Olivia Brown

Administrative Assistant

Sergio Sousa

Labour Market Facilitator Ready Willing and Able

Lois Brothers

Family Engagement Coordinator

Luke Armbruster

Administrative Assistant

Board of Directors

Lindsey Cooke


Jamie Theroux

Vice President

Ashley Seymour


Dennis Deng


Jessica Barlow


Robert Ingram


Rohit Gupta


Gurmanjit Kaur


Deanna Ng


Matt Di Ubaldo


Garry Nenson


Demetre Balaktsis


Remuneration of Directors

No remuneration shall be paid to any Director for the performance of the duties of a Director.  A Director may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of his or her duties.  By resolution of the Board of Directors, a Director may be retained, and paid regular fees, to provide professional services required to be done in connection with the administration of the affairs of the Association.

Annual Financial Statements

Inclusion Winnipeg at the CRA website

Land Acknowledgement

Inclusion Winnipeg respectfully acknowledges we are on Treaty Territory #1 – the original lands of the Anishinaabe, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota and Dene Peoples. We acknowledge Manitoba is located on the National Homeland of the Red River Metis.

We respect the Treaties made on these territories. We commit ourselves to move forward with Indigenous Communities in a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.

Full text of Treaties No. 1 and No. 2.


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